Hemp Direct CBD Tinctures and Other Products

Which Cannabis Strains Have The Highest CBD Levels? 

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If you are trying to distinguish which cannabis strains have the highest CBD levels, it’s helpful to separate the answers into two distinct categories, Marijuana vs Hemp. First, let’s take a look at what exactly CBD is and how it differs from THC. Most importantly, CBD is a non-intoxicating Cannabinoid. It has been and continues to be studied for therapeutic benefits associated with things such as inflammation, anxiety, insomnia, and epilepsy just to name a few. In contrast, THC is an intoxicating and often mind-altering cannabinoid, responsible for the “high” associated with marijuana usage. THC is also known to have therapeutic benefits such as a calming effect along with pain relief.

Marijuana Strains 

The legal distinction between marijuana and hemp is as simple as cannabis containing over 0.3% THC is considered marijuana, while anything under 0.3% THC is hemp. 

  1. Charlotte’s Web, the best-known source for high CBD strains of Cannabis and comes in around 2.4% THC and 21% CBD
  2. Dancehall has roughly 0.9% THC and 20.2% CBD 
  3. Ringo’s Gift, 1.3% THC, 19.5% CBD 
  4. Harle-Tsu, under 1% THC, 18-24% CBD 
  5. ACDC 0.5-1.2% THC, 16-24% CBD 
  6. Sour Tsunami 1.6% THC, 17.7% CBD 
  7. Remedy, under 1% THC, 15-17.2% CBD 
  8. Suzy Q, 0.9% THC, 17% CBD 
  9. Stephen Hawking Kush, 12% THC, 14% CBD
  10. Hawaiian Dream, 6.2% THC, 13.4% CBD 
  11. Harlequin, 10% THC, 13% CBD 
  12. Pennywise, 15% THC, 12% CBD 
  13. Sweet and Sour Widow, 8.3% THC, 10.4% CBD 

Hemp Strains

  1. Berry Blossom is listed as 0.3% or less THC and 12-18% CBD.  Any percentages listed with such a wide range brings the stability of the strain and the breeder into question.
  2. Special Sauce 0.3% THC or less, 16.3% CBD 
  3. Hawaiian Haze 0.3% THC or less, 15.3% CBD 
  4. Suver Haze 0.3% THC or less, 15.3% CBD 
  5. Abacus 0.3% THC or less, 8-15% CBD. This is another variety listed with high CBD potential but the wide range makes growing it questionable.
  6. Elektra 0.3% THC or less, 14.6% CBD 
  7. Sour Space Candy 0.3% THC or less, 14% CBD 
  8. Lifter 0.3% THC or less, 13.6% CBD 

It appears there are more high CBD varieties of marijuana currently available when compared to known high CBD varieties of hemp. Hemp, recently legalized federally on a permanent basis, is now easier than ever to be bred for high CBD strains. High-tech breeding techniques make it faster to determine cannabinoid profiles enabling plants with desired characteristics to then be stabilized for the mass production of feminized seed as one example. It may be expected that breeding for high CBD to lead to breeding for other cannabinoids we still know so little about, such as CBG and CBN, as more is learned about therapeutic benefits from them as well. 

Additional FAQs

  • What is Cannabidiol? Cannabidiol or CBD is one of over 100 known cannabinoids contained within the Cannabis plant. It is said to have an impact on the action of THC such as reducing it’s negative effects. CBD extracted from Hemp is considered legal federally while CBD extracted from Marijuana is legal in many states but still illegal for interstate commerce. There is much research being conducted involving CBD and its potential therapeutic benefits for numerous disorders such as Epilepsy and Anxiety.
  • Are CBD Products legal to import into the U.S.? Legally speaking, yes you can purchase CBD products from places like Europe for example, but the question is why would you ever need to? When extracted from American grown hemp it is considered to be some of the highest quality CBD in the world! When you start trying products from outside the U.S., you begin running the risk of purchasing a potentially inferior product. It may not be completely organic, it may not be as rigidly tested for cannabinoid content if it’s even tested at all. Especially when compared to testing performed by many American CBD companies. Hemp grown in America is grown specifically for CBD, Europe has historically been growing Hemp for fiber, resulting in American grown having a drastically higher % of CBD contained in their potent strains.
  • Are there CBD Oil scams out there? Pricing for CBD, for relatively similar products, are all over the place. A simple solution to avoid scams is to find a supplier with reasonable pricing on their CBD products, then send the product out to an independent lab to see if what the product’s label claims is in it is accurate. There have been numerous reports of CBD products, when tested, containing much less actual CBD than the label claims, so buyer beware and do your research to avoid being duped. 
  • Is CBD Oil legal for a truck driver? CBD Oil is legal for everyone, thanks to the 2018 Farm Bill. However, being a truck driver with a CDL means that you are subject to random drug tests and mandatory drug testing if involved in an accident. Fortunately, there is a solution for this: CBD Isolate contains zero THC and as long as you aren’t using other forms of Cannabis such as smoking marijuana, there’s no reason for a false positive on a drug test. Full-Spectrum CBD Products, not CBD Isolate, contain trace amounts of THC, which is legal as long as it is under 0.3%. This trace amount of THC is typically not enough to fail a drug test but there are many factors: how fast does an individual metabolize THC, how much product does one take and how sensitive to THC is the actual drug test being administered? CBD Isolate provides an alternative to this happening. If you are purchasing CBD Products and if comfortable doing so, it might not be a bad idea to talk with your employer or HR department about it to receive some feedback on the subject. 
  • Does CBD Oil help with anxiety? Answering questions like this are a slippery slope at best. We are unable to definitively do so for legal reasons such as potentially violating the FDA’s current stance that CBD isn’t intended to treat, cure, or prevent any disease. We can only recommend that individuals do their research and look at the testimonials of others for their experiences with CBD both good and bad. 
  • Is THC or CBD better for treating depression? This is another question that we can’t really give an answer to. I can say that there is a supposed synergy between THC, CBD and other cannabinoids making them work together when compared to leaving one out of the equation. A definitive answer is not something we or anyone can delve into at this point due to the FDA’s current stance on CBD.
  • Does CBD Oil relieve chronic pain? People seek out CBD Products for a reason, they find these answers for themselves and then some give testimonials. If you begin with a CBD Isolate and you aren’t satisfied, maybe give a Full-Spectrum CBD Product a try before deciding that CBD is not for you. 
  • What is the minimum age for someone to start taking CBD? There isn’t a legal age limit currently for the purchasing of CBD Products. This means a minor can purchase them depending on the policy of an individual business. Some companies may require you to be at least 18 years old and some may even require you to be 21. The logic behind age limits seems only to be done for perceived liability concerns. 
  • Is CBD legal to fly with? In short, yes. Your approach in doing so is your call. If it were me, I’d put it in my luggage going under the plane, especially if in liquid form such as a tincture, just to avoid the hassle of having to explain it to airport security. I’ve done so and know of many others who have done the same. I also know of people that simply place it in their carry on and if asked just tell TSA what it is and that it’s legal if they don’t already know this. The Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 makes this legal on a federal basis. Federal law trumps state, it is really that simple. However, certain states may make life difficult if they make CBD out to be illegal according to their own laws. Being discreet and not broadcasting that you possess CBD Products is probably easiest unless asked, along with placing CBD into your checked luggage. You can fly with wine, so why not CBD? 
  • Is CBD now (or will it be) legal in every state? Federally, CBD is legal in every state, without question. It is called the 2018 Farm Bill or Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018. Sure, there are several states that have foolishly banned CBD on the state level. The Supremacy Clause, contained within the U.S. Constitution makes this a moot point. Federal law supersedes state law, end of the story. This does not mean that some states that have outlawed CBD will simply sit idle and do nothing if you are in violation of their state’s law and they catch you. Dealing with this is likely not worth the time, effort, or money required to overcome this constitutional violation for the state because they can’t win in court or for the individual. Who wants to deal with court proceedings over something so petty and once again, federally legal? Someone with deep pockets and a strong advocate for CBD can possibly fund the defense of an individual’s rights and set precedent in that state, in effect fixing the current misguided legislation of that state, clearing up the confusion permanently. 

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